Regular readers may have noticed that I just disappeared entirely for...
Over three weeks. Oops... even Charlie (in the header photo) looks shocked at that.
A few days after my last post, it was my birthday. A few days after that, I started college (note to all Americans - not your kind of college, which is University over here! It's 6th form, which is studying for A-levels, a qualification required for uni or a skilled job).
Going from homeschooled, to iGCSE exams, to nine months of holiday courtesy of exam delays by COVID messing with schedules a year back, to college, required adjustment of my own personal timetable. Homework to submit on time, notes to consolidate in pocket notebooks for later reference (why does Media require so many theories, it's atrocious), and some time mindlessly strumming a guitar to prevent my brain cracking in half.
I'm perfectly happy with the social aspect. I'll cheerfully yell out answers with wild abandon and lend stationery. But too many theories and not enough coffee makes Chloé a frazzled student, so guitar strumming is combined with caffeination for preservation of consciousness and sanity after, or before, a long day of Roland Barthes and all the other maniacs who enjoy flinging theories into being..
Anyway, for a while, my post schedule may be a bit random. I'm aiming for about a post a week, at least, but until I know the full extent of my workload for this year I can't give you an exact schedule.
I will be getting a few reviews I have in the queue done, and you will be happy to know that I prepared beforehand, before all this English and Media A-Level insanity, and wrote up some good ol' fashioned posts about nib types, different inks, importance of good balance in pens and a host of other subjects, so I won't be stuck for content to post when I do eventually have time to publish it.
Thank you for supporting the blog by reading my articles, and I will strive to keep KraftyCats active and interesting!